There are a number of smart technology items that now are tailored for progressive schools. In this post we give you a run down of the essential items that Irish Schools will need in the future. The items listed will help improve interaction in the classroom and improve safety.
1) Interactive WhiteBoards
More and more schools in Ireland are installing interactive whiteboards which are replacing traditional whiteboards and projectors. The smart board interactive whiteboards help with student engagement through visual and auditory learning styles.
Digitel have installed digital whiteboards in schools in the North West of Ireland including Clevertouch V-Series whiteboards. The Clevertouch boards are available in 55″ and 65″.
This whiteboard has AR glass offering Full 1080p HD resolution.
Call + 353 (0) 872250599 for more information on smart interactive whiteboards for your school.
2) Audio Visual Systems
Audio visual systems can help with learning and similar to the interactive whiteboards, they help with engagement. Smart TV’s offer easy access to online educational resources for teachers. Smart TV’s can then be linked to surround sound systems to offer a quality audio experience for students.
The smart items listed above will be essential for schools will be upgrading their school buildings and classrooms in the future. If you would like to find out more about smart technologies for your school or if you would like to receive a quick quotation, call+ 353 (0) 872250599.